Lhawang Driden Bhutanese Incense

$ 3.00

This Lhawang Driden Bhutanese Incense has been manufactured under this strict Buddhist traditional method and in the most hygienic environment in the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Bhutan, known as “Menjong” meaning the valley of medicines in the Buddhist world is situated in the eastern Himalayas. The country is rich in “herbal medicines”. The incense which Is manufactured strictly according to Buddhist tradition requires over 30 different rare herbal species.

The burning of this aromatics incense not only pleases the deities but also has a soothing effect on human beings. The lingering aromatic of Incense makes monasteries, homes, offices, and other sacred places like the abode of Gods.

This brand of Incense is popularly known as Lhawana Dridhen Incense in Bhutan.

Net Weight: 0.060 kg

SKU: LDBI-HIN11 Category:
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